Wednesday, April 11, 2012

30 Days

30 Days.  That's what I'm giving myself to regain focus, confidence and happiness.

I have lost all of these things in what has become a cluttered, unorganized, mess of wants, needs, hopes and dreams.

Last Thursday I was relieved of the full-time, real job that I had wanted so badly since going back to school.  It was a goal that I had set for myself and I achieved it.  After a month of being asked to "go get the office coffee and snacks" more often then I was asked to attend company meetings I began to hate it.  I should have known, with my job being less important than a "grande, whole milk latte with vanilla bean powder and 1 raw sugar on the side" that I wasn't going to last much longer.

That moment could have been a devastating one.  I've never been fired before!  I work my butt off at everything!  Through my embarrassment and well-deserved thoughts of "WTF?"  I found clarity.  This was supposed to happen.

I made a promise to myself at that moment that I was going to take this opportunity to focus on me.  Find me and make my own career, and find my place in the universe.  I know I sound crazy, but it feels right.

Today I listened to a podcast about manifesting miracles.  The speaker talked about concentrating on one want for 30 days.  Visualize it happening, meditate on it, clear negative thoughts and mental blocks about it.  Get out of your own way and make it happen.  The yoga studio I had gone to a few times is also having a 30 day yoga challenge, which I signed up for this afternoon after listening to that podcast.

A coincidence maybe, but I'm going to call it a mini-miracle.

Today is April 11, and Day 1.  

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