Monday, May 23, 2011

farmers market 5.21.11

I wanted to dive into this guys fruit stand with my mouth open...but I thought better of it.
 I didn't have enough hands this time but I will own a purple basil plant soon...

 I was regretting the 3 bowls of corn pops while smelling the yumminess being served up by this vender.
 Lucky shot, this dog was too cute---I mean, cool.
 Oh how I miss pretzels...damn you gluten
 we love our pecans in every flavor imaginable in Charleston
 I'll take one of each please!  Actually the whistle was my absolute fav...I'm still thinking about how cool it would look on me..and it's from the 1940's.

 Old window frames with peeling paint with dried flowers between the panes of glass...did my mother make these?  

I love the farmers market.  I just wish everything wasn't so stinking expensive!  I will just have to support local and small business owners one small purchase at a time at a time!  I did end up buying two things, peanut butter and banana dog biscotti for Ajax and a supposedly super healthy (super expensive) 75% cacao chocolate bar.  (It was also super yummy...I couldn't resist).  I wanted every single necklace this one vender was selling but all the pendants were antiques and really expensive...maybe someday, or not. How about the windows with the dried flowers in them???  Genius!  I want to try to make one because they were also ridiculously expensive.  My mother would die if I gave her one...maybe I will.

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